This is the third weekend in a row that I’ve had to take work home. I used to love my job, but I’ve been really unhappy lately—mainly because I’m overworked and underpaid, but also because we have a new director, and although he’s a very likable guy, he’s a terrible manager.* And the fellow who was recently promoted to second-in-command is still in the “this promotion hasn’t changed me” phase, which means he hasn’t yet learned to give clear instructions/take charge; he hems and haws and grins and drives me nuts.** But in this economy, I feel like I have to shut up and take it, you know? There aren’t that many jobs out there, and there are probably 100+ people ready to take mine. I also feel a responsibility to the company because they took me back, with a raise, after I quit and moved to Virginia for 7 months (don’t ask—all I’ll say is that it’s no place for an atheist). I never call in sick and rarely say no to extra responsibility—and because I’m somewhat of a perfectionist, I knock myself out to do everything well. And, of course, the more I do, the more I’m asked to do...
There’s no point to this post: I just wanted to say it and send it out there. I feel a little bit better now.
*The previous director was terrible, too, but at least he had the good sense to stay in his office with the door closed all day.
**Which makes me feel like a shitheel to say, because this guy is my friend.
Tags: olio, my job sucksLabels: misc